Thursday, May 7, 2009

Beyond the line essay: Of mice and men vs Whats eating Gilbert Grape

Taking care of of a mentally challenged person is harder than it seems. Both George (Of mice and men) and Gilbert (Whats eating Gilbert Grape) know the struggles of that responsibility. They both get very frustrated. Both are held back but both love Lenny and Arnie unconditionally.

In the movie "Whats Eating Gilbert Grape" he takes care of his little brother Arnie, who is retarded. He gets very frustrated and it leads him to do something he regrets. One scene when he is trying to give him a bath, Arnie acts up and Gilbert smacks him in the face. He soon after feels bad. George takes care of his best friend who is also mentally retarded. He also gets very frustrated and says things to Lenny that he doesn't mean.

Both Gilbert and George are held back in life because they have this huge responsibility of taking care of Arnie and Lenny. George struggles to find work as it is along with having Lenny. If he didn't have to take care of him he wouldn't be slowed down, most likely. Gilbert is just a teenager with the burden of having a humongous mother and a retarded brother, instead of living a normal life.

Most importantly, they do love Arnie and Lenny. They wouldn't do what they do if they didn't truly care. George wouldn't let Lenny do anything that would hurt him. Gilbert spends most of his time doing anything to entertain Arnie. He tries to sugarcoat things to make Arnie not worry about anything. George and Gilbert are both thoughtful protectors.

All in all they both do a good job in protecting Lenny and George. They work through all the frustration and still keep going. They don't mind making sacrifices to take care of Lenny and Arnie. George and Gilbert both love and care for Lenny and Arnie. You have to be a strong person to do what they do.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Between The Line Question #3

Q: Does the time period they are in help or hurt Lenny's situation ?

A: I think it is hurting his situation. Back then they didn't really understand the situation. You can tell by the way George treats him that people really don't know what's going on in his head. Since society might be confused about his situation, Lenny is most likely confused about it too. This is why the time they were in does not help Lenny's situation at all.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Between The Line Question #2

Q: Does George really care about Lenny ?

A: I believe George does care about Lenny but he just gets frustrated. If he didn't care about him he would have just left him way back. Of course he is going to get frustrated because he is dealing with a child basically and all parents get mad at their children. I think even though Lenny is bigger, George looks at him a little brother or even a son. This is why I think George really cares.

Between The Line Question #1

Q: What does the puppy symbolize ?

A: It symbolizes many things. I think a really important thing it symbolizes is innocence. The puppy is new, fresh, and innocent and not quite developed yet. Lenny is the same way only I believe he will never be quite developed but his disability makes him vulnerable and innocent. The puppy and Lenny are both confused and unsure of what they are doing.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Lord Of The Flies Review .=]

What if you were stranded on an island with no food or shelter ? Oh yeah and you're only 10 years old. Lord of the flies, by William Golding, is a book that everyone should read and was one of my all time favorites for a few reasons. The plot was unlike any other book i've read before. The characters had many different personalities andclashed at parts in the book. For a book with all kids in it, there was enough violence for a Stephen King book.

There was many different characters that differed from appearance and personality.The children in this book acted like animals. The children on the island were seperated into 2 basic categories, the biguns ( big kids ) and the littluns ( little kids ). These kids behavior is very aggressive towards eachother. They get very hostile from being on the island so long and they start to change into animals. They behave like animals, eat like animals, and fight like animals.

The violence in this story made it very exciting. It starts off with a plane crashing on an island during the cold war. War is very violent and it lays a violent background for the story. Children started to kill eachother for food and just because they were going insane. At one point in the story the kids attack and kill a main character Piggy with a boulder. This is very violent for kids no older than 12 years old.

The plot of this story is brilliant. The situation they put the children in is very creative of the author. It shows how fast things get out of hand when the rules are not there to be inforced. The kids changed for the worst when they were in live or die conditions. Everybody was going crazy and people were getting out of hand but as soon as they wee rescued all the conflict stopped and it seemed to the kids that none of it ever happened at all.

In conclusion to this essay I would like to say that the plot mixed in with all the violence and the right characters made for an amazing book. I recommend everyone to read this and I bet it will be worth your time.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Teenagers and the Opposite Sex

What do you go to school for, education or the opposite sex? Thats the question ive been trying to find the answer to. A lot of people said they come to school for both. One of my fellow 10th students, Hassaan Cooper, says "It's fifty fifty, I get my work done but I look at the chicks on the side."

A lot of boys just try to"Hit it and quit it" says Andreia, a 9th grader at Northeast Public High School. Most girls think boys just want to use them. She says "Boys just get in the way at school, they're not going to get me into a good college."

My fellow friend and 10th grade student Joseph Mattia says "Most girls are teases and don't know what they want." Another statement from Mattia was "Girls bring more trouble than pleasure". I agree with this statement from my past experiences with females.

Physical Education teacher Fred Holdsworth tells me that "the kids always act different around the oppisite sex and it's always been that way since i've been teaching". Boys do aact different around girls and girls do act different around boys.

Kids do concentrate better when they're not around the oppisite sex. Student Leon Watson says "I get more work done when girls aren't around but they are more fun to be around". I've seen this to be true in my days of school.

Everyone has different opinions on how the oppisite sex is, but I think everyone can agree that when it comes to the opposite sex, you can't live with them and you can't live without them.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Day by day things don't seem to change, but when you look back everything is different. I've changed so much in just this last year wehn I look at everything in perspective, but really it felt like the same stuff on a different day. I like to think of these changes in your life as the seasons in a year, starting with spring and ending as cold as the winter's chill. I'm between spring and summer. When I was in kindergarten, I wore a pair of 11 1/2 teenage mutant ninja turtle shoes, now it's the same number in men's chucks. A lot of childish thoughts when I was younger, now bigger things are on my mind. The eggs came crashing down when I was with the wrong crowd, now I choose my friends wisely.

My physical features show that I am not a kid but not a man. This proves my struggle between spring and summer. I stand 5' 9", about 160, so you know i'm not a small child. My little mustache is slowly coming in displaying manhood. By this age, I dress to impress unlike my younger days just wearing anything besides my birthday suit. On the other hand, some of my babyface characteristics ultimately prove I am not a man yet.

If you could be inside my head, you would know about my summer thoughts. Plans for my future, financial struggles, and school work are constantly bubbling in my brain but i can get easily distracted sometimes. Some spring thought usually involve finding things I can do to have fun and girls. Overall my thoughts balance out keeping me torn between spring and summer.

Friends from the past shaped me socially for the future. They helped me realize what was wrong and right through experiencing it. The childish immature things I used to do was obviously not right. Most of the time the things I was doing wasn't childish, it was just wrong. In the story "Marigolds" by Mari Evans, the main character Lizabeth is faced with the same situation. Be a kid and have fun at any expense or grow up. Like her, it took me having to do something bad to move on to the future. Those were very good friends thought because I would not be the strong person I am today if I didn't know them. Still I am a little more careful choosing my friends now a days.

You now can see why I am still torn between spring and summer. My physical features show that I'm a big boy now. My thoughts are not ones of a child, most of the time. The crowd I put myself in now are better than the ones from the past even though I still have the urge to do some of my old actions. Now that my verdict is in, why don't you go find out what season you are in.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

"For Poets" Al Young

"Stay Beautiful". These two words dragged me into this poem, lets see if it does the same for you. "For Poets" by Al Young can go down as one of my favorite poems ever. A few things I enjoyed about this poem was the sharp organization, uplifting inspirational aspects, and how it portrays life.

Organization acts as the blueprint to a good poem. One can feel how the poet felt while writing this poem by the way a poem reads. The amount of words in the poem might show one of a few things. It can show that he didnt want to go too deep into the poem or that it didnt take many words to get the point across. Structure provides a feel for the rhythm in which it should sound. Punctuation can also give the reader the rhythm and how it reads.

Inspiration in a poem can be the deciding factor in whether it is a good poem or a great poem. After reading "For Poets" several times, I can definitely tell that this poem inspires people, a good job of it at that. Not only does this poem give someone inspiration to go out and do things, it also gives examples of what not to do. "Breathe in trees","Knock out mountains", these words of inspiration express through hyperboles. "Dont stay underground too long" plays as a warning.

Life. This poem expresses many things in life. Non-living and living objects show human activity. "Dont turn into a mole, or a worm, or a root, or a stone". Both living and non-living yet they express the same thing. This poem elaborates on a specific lifestyle. Stay yourself, but dont become boring. Get out there, experiment, let yourself be known. "Dont forget to fly". This lifestyle fulfills my taste of a good. The life of this poem and the life I want to live, seem like one.

So like I said before, the organization, inspiration, and the life of this poem really tickle my fancy. When I see how the poem is organized it reads itself to me. Inspiration makes me want to go out and do something before I'm even done reading it. The way this poem describes life, will be like how I want to live my life. Maybe if you read this poem sometime it will open up your eyes and give you a new perspective on life.

Monday, January 26, 2009

NHD Reflection !

This year for NHD me and my buddies, Joe Mattia, Darrin Mills, Brandon Roman, and Trevor Litchfield, did "The Ramones". It was somewhat difficult but indeed managable. I did have fun though because the people I was working with were a hoot. We had a few arguments but in the long run it all worked out. We were interested in the topic so I think that impacted on our effort. I learned that to just have fun but get the work done.

Some problems we ran into was that we did not have classes together. Another big one is that some of us kept forgetting the lines but that is something that will be handled. None of us really had acting experience, so we were performance virgins. The annotations were very annoying as usual. The rest wasn't that challenging at all.

Last year i was left doing all the work and this year i had a lot of help and it just felt like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulder. I think we did better this year rather than last year. I was also much interested in this year's topic than last year's topic. I also had a new teacher and a new person who helped us out. All in all the teachers were very helpful and I was not really stressed out at all.